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5 Facts About Hockey Shooting Tiles

5 Facts About Hockey Shooting Tiles

As the popularity of hockey shooting tiles starts to grow, so are the questions behind them. What are they? Are they any good to use? How long will they last? There are probably a million more questions like this from all over the world, but we have put together some facts about hockey tiles that you might find interesting. You can use the information that you get from this to help you determine whether or not they would be a good fit for you and your hockey training needs.

1. Built To Last

Any kind of hockey flooring will endure all kinds of abuse during their lifetime. Sniper’s Edge slick tiles are built to last through all of the practices for years to come. They are made out of a strong polymer that is designed to stay slick and handle years of daily practice from professionals.

2. No Good For Ice Skates

Although dryland hockey tiles are a lot like ice you can’t use ice skates on them. However, if you are set on being able to use ice skates the synthetic ice is absolutely amazing. When you practice on the dryland ice tiles you can use either inline skates or regular sneakers.

3. Slick Like Ice

Sniper’s Edge slick tiles are made to be as much like real ice as possible. Although you can’t use ice skates on them, when you slide the puck across the flooring it is just like ice. This is why using them for training is so effective. This helps to build the muscle memory that is associated with shooting and passing on real ice.

4. Great For Practice

Hockey tiles are great for practice for a few reasons. One, they last a long time, and another they give the player the ability to practice shots over and over again without interruption. With the help of a shooting tarp and a hockey passer, a player can hone in the exact shots and passes that they need to work on in order to establish the perfect game skills. Because hockey tiles can be installed just about anywhere it gives an opportunity for anybody to be able to practice right in their own home for as many hours as they want.

5. Easy To Install

Sniper’s Edge hockey tiles are designed to take all of the fuss and frustration out of preparation and leave more time for practicing. The squares are 1 foot by 1 foot squared and come in boxes of 20. There are interlocking tabs on the sides of each tile so that when they get connected together on a surface they easily snap in place and do not cause any bumps or raises in the flooring. This makes it exceptionally easy to set up a practice area just about any place you could imagine.

Sniper’s Edge Hockey Flooring

When it comes to flooring or anything else hockey Sniper’s Edge is the best place to go. They are dedicated to hockey and training champions of the game. No matter what your hockey training preference is, always practice – and play – with a purpose.

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